10 Oct 2018

Alfred Research Alliance partners celebrate World Thrombosis Day (13 Oct)

2017 World Thrombosis Day team at the Alfred. L-R: Andrew Wallis, 
(Senior Scientist, Lab Haematology), Susan Findlay (Haemostasis/
Thrombosis Unit, Alfred) in the clot suit, A/Prof Huyen Tran 
(Head, Haemostasis/Thrombosis unit), Wahida Roshan (Sanofi),
Melissa Wilson (Sanofi), Hadley Bortz (Alfred senior pharmacist)
To raise awareness about clotting disorders as part of World Thrombosis Day (13 October annually), the Alfred and CCS are hosting an information stall.

Anything you'd like to know about the research and the services to support people suffering from thrombosis, please visit the stall which will be set up near the Alfred ground floor lifts from 9.00am to approximately 11.30am on Friday 12 October.

Mitch Moon, Volga Tarlac (in Justin Hamilton's ACBD group which works on platelets and thrombosis) and Hadley Bortz will be looking after the table. Susan Findlay will star as the clot!

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