17 Oct 2018

Prof Wendy Brown on the success of lap band surgery

Professor Wendy Brown together with colleagues has recently published a study on the outcomes of obese patients who had lap band surgery after 20 years. They lost around half of their extra weight and maintained the loss. With this came significant improvements in their health and well-being. This is the first study to show substantial long term benefits for patients who have lap band surgery. Diet and exercise programs can be very effective in the short term but 97% of people will regain their weight. Only 3% maintain their weight loss beyond 5 years. Therefore, surgery should be considered an effective and durable treatment option.

Professor Wendy Brown will be giving the 2018 Public Lecture: Obesity - a serious disease that deserves serious treatment on Thursday 18 October.

This lecture will review the disease of obesity, describe the role of bariatric surgery as an effective treatment option and a potential model for future treatments. Challenges and barriers to providing bariatric surgery at a population level will also be addressed.

Professor Brown is Head of Surgery in the Central Clinical School at Monash University.

O'Brien PE, Hindel A, Brennan L, Skinner S, Burton P, Smith A, Crosthwaite G, Brown W. Long-term outcomes after bariatric surgery: a systematic review and met-analysis of weight loss at 10 ore more years for all bariatric procedures and a single-centre review of 20-year outcomes after adjustable gastric banding. Obesity Surgery 2018 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11695-018-35...

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