1 Nov 2018

CCS Monash PhD students win competitive travel grants

Paul Gill (left) & Matt Snelson (right)
Congratulations to our PhD students, Matthew Snelson and Paul Gill, who have received Nutrition Society of Australia student travel grants to present at the NSA meeting in November.

Matt's topic is "Resistant starch is protective against diabetic nephropathy by inhibition of complement activation in a mouse model of diabetes". Matt's PhD project supervisor is Associate Professor Melinda Coughlan, Department of Diabetes.

Paul's talk is titled "Exploring the systemic delivery of short chain fatty acid (SCFA) in healthy humans". This covers some work he has done during his PhD investigating how to boost circulating levels of short chain fatty acid in healthy people through the use of dietary fibre and apple cider vinegar. Paul's supervisors are Associate Professor Jane Muir and Professor Peter Gibson in the Department of Gastroenterology and Associate Professor Menno van Zelm, Department of Immunology and Pathology).

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