9 Nov 2018

Congratulations to CCS 2018 School Travel Grant round 2 recipients!

Our 10 round 2 travel grant winners!
See detail & photos in table below
Congratulations to our recipients of Round 2 of 2018 Central Clinical School (CCS) Travel Grants! These grants provide support for research staff to present their research at both domestic and international conferences. Support is also provided to visit research organisations to undertake activities such as specialised training, dissemination of results with collaborators and establishing new research collaboration.

For further information about applying for CCS travel grants in 2019 see link (internal to Monash staff): sites.google.com/a/monash.edu/ccsintranet/research/funding/opportunities#staff
ComBio2018, Sydney
American Epilepsy Society 2018. EpiBioS4Rx and ILAE workshop, New Orleans, USA
Australian Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ASPOG) 44th Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney
2018 Keystone Symposia: Role of the Genital Tract Microbiome in Sexual and Reproductive Health, Cape Town, South Africa
47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society for Immunology 2018, Perth
32nd International Papillomavirus Conference, visits to Sydney Sexual Health Centre and The Kirby Institute, Sydney
47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society for Immunology 2018, Perth
2018 Keystone: B Cells: Mechanisms in Immunity and Autoimmunity, visits to University of Erlangen and Max Planck Institute, Germany
47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society for Immunology 2018, Perth
Australian and New Zealand Association of Health Professionals Education (ANZAHPE) Conference, Hobart

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