18 Feb 2019

MS Research Australia grant for new drug

Dr Petratos in the lab

Backdated congratulations go to Dr Steven Petratos, whose grant from MS Research Australia was announced whilst the CCS Communications team was still settling in after the Summer break.

Dr Petratos works within the Department of Immunology and Pathology, and his research has explored ways to prevent nerve damage. Myelin is an insulating layer or sheath that forms around nerve fibres in the brain and spine, providing protection and longevity. His team has developed a drug called DITPA, which mimics the activity of a protein called MCT8, vital in the production of myelin.

The brains of people with MS have been shown to have a reduction in MCT8 protein, making this drug an important potential research target. The team hope DITPA may enhance the remyleination of damaged nerve fibres.

MS Research Australia provided Dr Petratos with a $25,000 Incubator grant in January, which will be used to conduct further laboratory tests. If successful, the ultimate aim will be human clinical trials.

Congratulations to Steven, and thank you to MS Research Australia!

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