6 Mar 2019

Brain Awareness Week lecture

Central Clinical School and Alfred Health are teaming up to help celebrate Brain Awareness Week between March 11 - 17th. The annual week is hosted internationally by the Dana Foundation, and aims to draw attention to the value of brain research.

All staff are invited to a lecture in the former AMREP lecture theatre between 2-3pm on Thursday 14th March.

A/Professor Joanne Fielding from the Department of Neuroscience will talk about her recently funded research into Visual Snow, and Dr Caroline Gurvich from MAPrc will talk about some exciting research into sex hormones and mental health. Light refreshments will be served afterwards. RSVPs are essential, so please register here.

(L) Dr Caroline Gurvich;
(R) A/Prof Joanne Fielding
We're also working with Alfred Health to host a stand in the main entry corridor of the Alfred Hospital on Tuesday 12th and Thursday 14th March. This will be an opportunity to engage with the public about brain-related clinical trials hosted across the precinct, and thank you in advance to the volunteer students and researchers who've offered to attend the stand and spread the word.

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