13 Mar 2019

CCS Student Journal Club kicks off for 2019

The Central Clinical School (CCS) Student Journal Club series will be up and running again this year, led by by Perkin Chan and Sophie Lim, representatives of the MUMUS Medical Research Students' Society (MRSS). Sessions are scheduled monthly, and the first session is planned to be held 12:30pm to 1:30pm on Thursday 18th of April, with catered lunch.

This series is run for students by students. Its purpose is to enable students to gain confidence and experience in presenting papers in a journal club setting, and to bring students around the Alfred precinct together for social and collaborative interaction. While many Departments in this precinct  run Journal Clubs, this one is aimed solely at students, to help train them in presenting in a non-intimidating setting, amongst their peers.

Articles will be presented by the honours students (BBiomedSc, BMedSc, BSc) under the guidance of HDR mentors (Masters, PhD). Expressions of interest for both these roles are currently open and will close 11:59pm next Friday the 22nd of March. More information on both of these roles can be found in their respective forms below:

Honours student presenters: https://goo.gl/forms/zGQxAcaz1LTZO6Oq2
HDR student mentors: https://goo.gl/forms/iEQPLrOFeuPz5nRm2

If you are a student, we hope you do join us, and if you are a supervisor, please encourage your students to apply. For any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at ccs.journalclub@gmail.com

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