8 May 2019

Translational Research Symposium Speaker Spotlight:Professor Karin Jandeleit-Dahm

Prof. Karin Jandeleit-Dahm
Monash University's 5th annual Translational Research Symposium is being hosted by its three 21 June 2019. The symposium will host a diverse group of medical researchers presenting their work into translational research. RSVP here.
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Professor Karin Jandeleit-Dahm is a group leader in the Department of Diabetes at Central Clinical School.
Professor Karin Jandeleit-Dahm is recognised as a clinical scientist and leader in the field of diabetic complications. She is a NHMRC senior research fellow and holds Professorship at  Monash  University  and  the  University  of Hannover. Her work has received a number of awards including the Lise Meitner Award and the Dorothea Erxleben Awards (recognising research excellence in Germany). Her CDA was recognised by the Heart Foundation as the top ranked in Victoria. Professor Jandeleit-Dahm has over 150 publications in high impact factor journals, including four papers in Circulation and others in JASN, Circulation research and Diabetes. She is on the Editorial Board for Diabetologia, Clinical Science, The Journal of Molecular Medicine and PLosONE. For 2018 she has been appointed as Deputy Editor Nephrology for the Australian Internal Medicine Journal. Previously, she has been President of the Australian Atherosclerosis Society (2012-14). Since early 2017 she is Deputy Head of the newly formed Diabetes Department at Monash University.

Professor Karin Jandeleit-Dahm's presentation abstract can be found below:
Translation of preclinical work on Nox inhibition in diabetic kidney disease

There is increasing evidence that reactive oxygen species (ROS) derived from NADPH oxidases (Nox) play a critical role in development and progression of diabetic complications, in particular diabetic kidney disease. We have shown that global and cell specific genetic deletion of Nox4 in animal models of diabetic kidney disease provided renoprotection in diabetes. Furthermore, a novel Nox inhibitor (GKT137831, Genkyotex Inc) was able to prevent kidney disease when given early and also to attenuate established kidney disease when given later in the disease process. Together with other studies, these studies provided the impetus for an investigator initiated clinical trial using the novel, first in class Nox inhibitor GKT137831 in diabetic kidney disease in type1 diabetic patients. This trial is funded by a multi-million JDRF/ARC grant, is currently recruiting across 15 sites in Australia and will be expanded internationally this year.

We look forward to welcoming Professor Karin Jandeleit-Dahm for the Symposium!

More information:
Translational Research Symposium
  • Date: Friday 21 June 2019
  • Time: 8:30 for 9:00am start - 5:30pm close
  • RSVP here
Find out more about the symposium and our speaker program.

If you are a graduate student or early career researcher, you may be interested in the Young Investigator poster competition. See here for more details and to RSVP.

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