12 Jun 2019

3MT Comp Winners!

CCS Competition winner Lakshanie Wickramasinghe
The School's annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition took place here on May 27, pitting seven brave young researchers against each other in a bid to explain their research in plain English, and in only three minutes. The competition is a wonderful opportunity to practice sharing complex but vital research with a lay audience.

Congratulations are due to all contestants for stepping up to the mark, but in particular the following winners:  

Second place Akshita Rana in action

First place: Lakshanie Wickramasinghe (Immunology) -  Lungs, Eyes and Wonder, baby.

Second place: Akshita Rana (ACBD) - Stroke, heart attack and a 'smart' little antibody: A tale unfolds

People's Choice: Hattapark (Jeff) Dejakaisay (Neuroscience) - Potential Role of Glutamate in the pathogenesis of Acquired Epilepsy in Alzheimer's Disease.

People's Choice winner Hattapark Dejakaisay

Lakshanie will represent CCS at the  Faculty competition on June 17. The Faculty winner goes on to compete at University level in August.

If you'd like to cheer Lakshanie on at the Faculty competition, it'll be from 1:30pm - 3:30pm, 37 Rainforest Walk, Lecture Theatre M3 at Clayton.


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