3 Jul 2019

5th Annual Translational Research Symposium

Prof. Alan Mackay-Sim, keynote speaker.

The Annual Translational Research Symposium was held recently on Friday 21st of June.  Now in its 5th year, the event is  a collaboration among the three Monash clinical schools, who mentor and train our future leaders in medical research.

The program offered a broad range of leading translational medical researchers. Attendees were privileged to hear 2017 Australian of the Year, Professor Alan Mackay-Sim, present on his inspiring stem cell research followed by Professor Gail Risbridger's study on prostate cancer in BRCA mutation carriers.

Charinthani Keragala, winner of the
Young Investigator Poster Competition

A highlight of the day was the Young Investigator Competition.  Students submitted posters with specific interpretation of work in potential translational outcomes. The adjudicators were extremely impressed with the standard of entrants this year. Well done to those who entered and congratulations to Charinthani Keragala, the winner of the most outstanding poster presentation!

Dr Steven Petratos, Senior Lecturer & Coordinator of Translational Research said it was an honour and a privilege to host the symposium,  "I particularly wish to thank our guest speakers Professor Alan Mackay-Sim who show-cased his stem cell banking and drug screening platforms and our own Professor Gail Risbridger who outlined leading and innovative research that has governed prostate cancer diagnosis and prognosis throughout the world. I was impressed with our Translational Research Doctoral students and their quality research projects that are sure to make future headlines and showcase our clinical schools as one of the leading training grounds for Translational Medicine."

Dr Steven Petratos, Coordinator of Translational Research

Prof. Mackay-Sim and Prof. Gail Risbridger with the
Heads of Monash's three clinical schools:
Prof. Stephen Jane, Prof. Eric Morand & Prof. Ian Davis

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