3 Jul 2019

Planned Giving as a source of funding for your research

Philanthropic donations are an important funding source for medical research at CCS.  Most philanthropic donations come in a form a cash gift or a pledge gift given over a number of years.  The ultimate philanthropic gift a person could give is through estate plans.  This video from Monash University's Planned Giving team showcases how making a bequest can be a
rewarding step to further a cause close to the donor's heart.

Philanthropy is now a major source of funding in addition to commercial and governmental grants.  Imagine the reward a family feels to see how their financial contribution assists you in getting your project to the next level, provides a proof of concept, or provides vital new equipment to enable you to do new research. Monash's philanthropy team can assist you in these conversations so that you can focus on your research and they can assist with the conversations, proposals and asking for money.

Do you know likely donors but need help establishing the donor relationship? Please contact Monash MNHS Development staff:  Marita O'Callaghan, Carrie Keller or Megan O'Connor for philanthropic and trust and foundation support.

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