9 Sept 2019

Australian Medical Students’ Orchestra (AMSO) concert "Drawings of Love" 22 Sep 2019

The Australian Medical Students’ Orchestra (AMSO) is proud to announce its 2019 concert Drawings of Love. We are delighted to invite you to what will be a wonderful event of diverse and iconic music repertoire.

AMSO will feature medical students from all corners of Australia who are passionate about music. We will come together over one weekend to perform at 2:30 pm on Sunday 22 September at Iwaki Auditorium, Melbourne. RSVP here

We will be performing some masterpiece works – Mendelssohn’s Hebrides Overture, Shostakovich’s 5th Symphony, and Waxman’s Carmen Fantasy with a solo violin performance from 13-year-old Edward Walton who was the prize winner at this year’s Il Piccolo Magino International Competition and performed with Corpus Medicorum earlier last year!

We would love it if you could attend our 2019 concert and bring your close family and friends. Early bird ticket sales close this Sunday (15 September) and cost $25 for adults. Tickets can be purchased via the following link: https://www.trybooking.com/BEPII

All proceeds from ticket sales will go towards our two partner charities - Very Special Kids and Beyond Blue.

Thank you so much and we hope to see you at our concert.

Andrew Kawai (Monash University)
Emily Sun (University of Melbourne)
Australian Medical Students' Orchestra Co-Convenors

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