2 Oct 2019

2019 Central Clinical School Graduate Research Student Symposium

L-R: 2018 CCS Graduate Research symposium winners
Charithani Keragala, Michelle Wong, Lakshanie Wickramasinghe,
Amy Wilson, Angela Nguyen
The 2019 Central Clinical School Graduate Research Student Symposium, CCS's 12th in the annual series, is organised by students, for students, and will showcase research being conducted by CCS students. It's a fun as well as informative day, and all are welcome. It's being held 7 October. See attached flier.
  • Time : 10am - 3pm
  • Day: Monday 7 October
  • Venue : Lecture Theatre, Level 5, Alfred Centre
  • 10:00am - 10:10am - Introduction and welcome by student committee chair
  • 10:10am - 11:30am - Oral presentations by GR students
  • 11:30am - 12:00pm - Explain my graph (Staff participation)
  • 12:00pm - 01:10pm - Lunch (Poster presentation)
  • 01:10pm - 02:20pm - Oral presentations by GR students
  • 02:20pm - 02:40pm - No-Bell Prize competition (for supervisors)
  • 02:40pm - 03:00pm - Closing remarks and awarding of prizes by Head of School
Looking forward to seeing you there!

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