15 Nov 2019

Photo of the week: Congratulations to winners of A+ EMCR awards!

2019 A+ EMCR winners: Matt Snelson (Monash Diabetes), Tiffany Bouchery (Monash Immunology and Pathology), Evelyn Tsantikos (Monash Immunology and Pathology), Melanie Gibson-Helm (Monash CHRI), Jessica Kasza (Monash, Daniela van Santen (Burnet) and Mar Quiroga on behalf of Daniel O'Keefe (Burnet)
The 2019 Alfred Research Alliance Early-Mid Career Researchers (A+ EMCR) symposium was held last week 7-8 November at the MCG. 68 delegates were registered from the research organisations based at the A+ precinct: Monash University (Central Clinical School (CCS) and the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (SPHPM)), Baker Research Institute, Burnet Institute and La Trobe University. See detail of sessions and presenters in the EMCR program.

The spread from early to mid-career research was well represented, with 28 of the delegates being PhD students. The quality and diversity of the keynotes and EMCR talks were highlights, and people gave positive feedback on the venue and food. Congratulations to the organising committee for their work on creating a successful event!
Speaker awards from the Symposium (from 21 talks):
A+ 2019 Best Paper awards :
Organising team:

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