17 Dec 2019

CCS BMedSc Honours student highest achiever in 2019!

Ms Gillian Lim is dux of the 2019 cohort
of Bachelor of Medical Science (Hons).
Congratulations to Gillian Lim on being dux of the year! Gillian is the highest achieving Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) student in 2019 across all three cohorts of students that have completed the BMedSc(Hons) degree in 2019. These include the full-year cohort that Gillian was part of (2019FY),  the mid-year Clayton 2018-2019 cohort and the Malaysia Nov 2018-June 2019 cohort.

Gillian's thesis was "The physiology of reflux following sleeve gastrectomy". She was supervised by Professor Wendy Brown, Dr Paul Burton (both in the Central Clinical School's Department of Surgery) & Professor Geoff Hebbard (RMH).

Gillian will receive the formal award and a $1000 prize at the Faculty Awards Night (usually in May). Well done Gillian!

Gillian also won the “Developing a Career and Skills in Academic Surgery (DCAS) Award" 2019 at the Surgical Research Society of Australasia Conference, held in Melbourne, 8 November.

The title of her presentation was “’Establishing diagnostic criteria for gastro-oesophageal reflux following gastrectomy”.

Professor Wendy Brown said "Gillian's win was an outstanding achievement as she beat surgeons, registrars and residents!"

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