8 Nov 2019

12 Nov 2019 Inaugural Monash Neuroscience Symposium

Register for the 12 Nov full day Neuroscience symposium
We invite you to attend the Inaugural Monash Neuroscience Symposium which aims to bring together clinicians and pre-clinical researchers throughout Monash University in all fields of neuroscience. We are proud to announce guest speaker, Russell Joyce, who will describe his journey and experiences on “Living well with Parkinson’s”.

It is a free event, being held 9am-5pm, on Tuesday 12 Nov at Monash University's Clayton campus. See details and register for catering. See detail of sessions and speakers below.

7 Nov 2019

2019 CCS research highlights: Australian Centre for Blood Diseases

L-R: Oliver Le Grice, Ross Dickins, Emilia
Simankowicz, Margherita Ghisi. Ross,
Emilia and Margherita are co-authors
Monash University's Central Clinical School is at the cutting edge of medical research in national and international arenas. We are publishing a series of our research highlights from across 2019.

In this article, we feature a highlight from the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases.

Old cells, new tricks: study challenges our understanding of leukaemia

2019 CCS research highlights: Department of Diabetes

L-R: All the RAGE: L-R Ms Alex Dimiropoulos, Dr Raelene Pickering,
Dr Chris Tikellis, Dr Carlos Rosado, Professor Merlin Thomas,
Ms Maria Alejandra Zuniga-Gutierrez
Monash University's Central Clinical School is at the cutting edge of medical research in national and international arenas. We are publishing a series of our research highlights from across 2019.

 In this article we feature a highlight from the Department of Diabetes.

Scientists harness RAGE for good 

2019 CCS research highlights: Department of Gastroenterology

Low FODMAP diet enters US protocols;
Smart capsule captures gut data in humans
Monash University's Central Clinical School is at the cutting edge of medical research in national and international arenas.

We are publishing a series of our research highlights from across 2019. In this article we feature two highlights from the Department of Gastroenterology.
  • Low FODMAP diet gains US tick of approval
  • Travelling capsule provides new window into gut health

2019 CCS research highlights: Department of Immunology and Pathology

L-R: Profs Ben Marsland, Margaret Hibbs
Monash University's Central Clinical School is at the cutting edge of medical research in national and international arenas. We are publishing a series of our research highlights from across 2019.

In this article we feature two highlights from the Department of Immunology and Pathology.
  • World-first study of newborn airways microbiome may help prevent childhood asthma  
  • Study raises hope for new lung disease treatment

2019 CCS research highlights: Department of Infectious Diseases

L-R: A/Prof Edwina Wright, Prof Anton Peleg
Monash University's Central Clinical School is at the cutting edge of medical research in national and international arenas. We are publishing a series of our research highlights from across 2019.

In this article, we feature a highlight from the Department of Infectious Diseases.
  • PrEPX study highlights need for greater STI testing
  • Researchers crack superbug’s strategy for survival

2019 CCS research highlights: Department of Neuroscience

Monash University's Central Clinical School is at the cutting edge of medical research in national and international arenas. We are publishing a series of our research highlights from across 2019.

In this article, we feature two highlights from the Department of Neuroscience.
  • Novel drug may be ‘Holy Grail’ of epilepsy treatment
  • Cancer drug holds hope for brain tumour patients