3 Feb 2020

BMedSc(Hons) student Jessica Garzarella wins Colin Ingram Travel Award

2020 Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours)
student Jessica Garzarella with her Monash
supervisor, Professor Karin Jandeleit-Dahm
A brand-new Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) student at Central Clinical School's Department of Diabetes, Ms Jessica Garzarella, is off to a flying start with her win of a Colin Ingram travel award.

Jessica said, "My BMedSc(Hons) project focuses on the NOX5 enzyme and explores its potential role in pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction in diabetes.

"As a component of this research, The Colin Ingram Travel Award will facilitate a 3-month exchange to Newcastle University in the United Kingdom where I will be supervised by Dr Catherine Arden, at the Institute for Cellular Medicine. In Melbourne, I am primarily supervised by Professor Karin Jandeleit-Dahm. The exchange and domestic stays will hopefully extend my research and take advantage of the complementary expertise between sites. 

"I am particularly excited for the year ahead as I begin to link my clinical knowledge with scientific literature - especially in an area of such high morbidity and mortality as diabetes."

Congratulations Jessica, and all the best for the coming year's research project in both locations!

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