11 Feb 2020

Participants sought: Have you been affected by miscarriage?

Seeking those affected by miscarriage for study on improving support

Have you been affected by miscarriage? Women, partners and family members affected by miscarriage more than 3 months ago but within the last 2 years are invited to participate in a research study to help gain a better understanding of what information, advice, support and resources would be most helpful after miscarriage. Participants are invited to be part of a community discussion on how we can improve miscarriage support. One on one interviews can also be arranged. Any information you provide to us is strictly confidential.

The study hopes to answer these questions:

1. What support did you need at the time of miscarriage?
2. Who could best provide this support?
3. When would this support be best offered?

*Please note: we aim to explore how to improve support, not explore the actual experience of miscarriage.

For more information please contact: miscarriage-australia@unimelb.edu.au or text Alice Yu on 0417011087.

This study has been approved by the University of Melbourne Ethics Committee, Ethics ID: 1954983

More about Alice Yu:

Alice Yu is a Doctor of Medicine student co-supervised by Dr Jade Bilardi (Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, Monash University) and Professor Meredith Temple-Smith (University of Melbourne).

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