21 Feb 2020

Photo of the week: Respiratory Care group

We welcomed Professor Anne Holland's respiratory care group to the school last year, but they're so busy it's taken until now to get a group photo! Their expertise is various, including: respiratory; physiotherapy; pulmonary rehabilitation; COPD; pulmonary fibrosis; exercise training; supportive care; access to care; physical activity; telerehabilitation; clinical trials. In summary, their research is about improving the lives of people with chronic lung disease through novel non-drug treatments and optimal supportive care.

In the photo: Back row, L-R: Angela Burge, Christie Mellerick, Anthony May, Carla Malaguti. Middle row: Gabriella Tikellis, Aroub Lahham, Narelle Cox, Mariana Hoffmann, Joanna Lee. Front row: Julianna Dreger, Anne Holland, Janet Bondarenko. Absent: Leona Dowman, Arwel Jones.

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