9 Mar 2020

Congratulations to our recent PhD graduates!

L-R: Mr Jayashimhan Abhirup and Ms Angela Nguyen
Congratulations to Ms Angela Nguyen, Mr Jayashimhan Abhirup and Mr Michael De Vries, our recent Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) graduates! All three had their PhDs conferred on 4 March 2020.

Ms Angela Nguyen's thesis title is "Characterisation of the murine non-classical MHC I molecule, H2-Q10". She was supervised by Dr Dan Andrews, Department of Immunology and Pathology, and Dr Katharine Goodall, Australian Centre for Blood Diseases.

Mr Jayashimhan Abhirup's thesis title is "Role of MHC class I expression in the pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes". He was supervised by Professor Robyn Slattery, Department of Immunology and Dr Eliana Moreno, Biomedicine Discovery Institute.

Mr Michael de Vries' thesis title is "The role of Grainyhead-like 2 (Grhl2) transcription factor in embryonic development". He was supervised by Dr Seb Dworkin (La Trobe University, previously of the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases), Dr Peter Anderson, School of Psychology Sciences, and Professor Stephen Jane, Central Clinical School.

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