13 Mar 2020

COVID-19 update from Prof Allen Cheng: MJA podcast 9 March 2020

Image: Coronavirus (MJA)
COVID-19 in Australia, with Professor Allen Cheng

MJA Podcasts 2020 Episode 8:  Vol 212, Issue 5: 9 March, 2020.

Professor Allen Cheng is Director of the Infection Prevention and Healthcare Epidemiology Unit at Alfred Health in Melbourne. He discusses how COVID-19 may behave in Australia and how doctors can protect themselves as well as patients. With MJA news and online editor Cate Swannell. 16 mins, 0 secs.

Link: www.mja.com.au/podcast/212/5/mja-podcasts-2020-episode-8-covid-19-australia-prof-allen-cheng

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