28 Apr 2020

Welcome to Dr Ian Harding, Department of Neuroscience

Dr Ian Harding
Welcome to Dr Ian Harding, who started with the Department of Neuroscience in 2020. He leads the Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration research group in the department and Monash Biomedical Imaging. Ian uses magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) to investigate and track brain changes in people with neurodegenerative diseases.

This work principally focusses on individuals with inherited subcortical diseases, including Friedreich ataxia, Spinocerebellar ataxias, and Huntington’s disease. Additional work in other neurodegenerative disorders and in preclinical animal models is also being undertaken with his  collaborators.

The broad aims of the group's research include biological phenotyping, such as describing changes in brain structure and function, and mechanistic inferences, including cellular/molecular-level measurements of inflammation, oxidative stress, and metabolic dysfunction.

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