5 May 2020

Staying connected within CCS during COVID-19

eMHprac resource list
The CCS GEDI committee members are aware that the current COVID-19 pandemic may impact CCS staff and students in a range of ways.  For some people, it may be a time of significant stress and increased work demands.

For some, onsite lab work and clinical trials continue, while others have needed to pause aspects of research, change their focus and work from home.  People may be feeling disconnected from their work colleagues, labs and departments.  Working from home is likely to disproportionately impact CCS staff who are also in carer roles. 

A sense of inclusion and connection to work colleagues is essential during this time.

We hope that lab heads and department heads are able to continue with regular communication and Zoom based supervision and team meetings to check in and make sure CCS staff and students are supported during this time.

We hope that researchers and student groups can hold study and brainstorming Zoom chats.

We ask that supervisors give due consideration to the health and wellbeing of students/staff who live alone and whose families are overseas.

COVID-19 has created change, uncertainty and stress – Monash telehealth counselling is available for you or your workmates if it is all getting too much. 

Professor Jayashri Kulkarni’s Monash Lens article (reproduced in the CCS blog) provides excellent advice about the stages of isolation, how to cope and considerations for re-entry to the workplace.

We would love to hear from you. How have you been impacted? What are your thoughts and concerns with regards to working from home, balancing carer duties, isolation and COVID-19? Please email us at ccs.gedi@monash.edu.  


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