11 May 2020

Forthcoming grant opportunities

This list of grant opportunities has been compiled from a number of local sources including emails, The Pulse, SCS and BDI newsletters. Links are to sources.

NHMRC Ideas Grants Minimum Data Due 5pm THIS FRIDAY 15 May

MRO are in the process of checking Ideas Grant applications already in Sapphire to ensure they meet minimum compliance data requirements.  If you haven't already, you will receive confirmation of your application's status shortly with guidance on whether any required sections are missing. Read more on SCS site »

Victorian Government Announcement of COVID-19 Research Investment

On 11 May 2020 the Victorian Government announced further investment of $8 million into research that aims to understand the immediate and potentially longer-term impacts of COVID-19. This is in addition to $4 million in COVID-19 research funding announced on 3 March 2020. The total package of $8.56m comprises programs of funding for biomedical research, cohort studies into the long term impacts of COVID-19 and health services research projects to enhance models of care. Read more at SCS site »

FMNHS Early Career Researcher (ECR) Publication Prize 2020 - APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (MNHS) is committed to developing Faculty-based Early Career Researcher (ECR) initiatives to assist our ECRs in the development of their research careers.  In addition to the emphasis placed on a strong track record in research publications and competitive funding, there is also the requirement for ECRs to secure competitive Prizes & Awards.  In support of this, the Faculty Research Office offers the FMNHS ECR Publication Prize. Read more on Faculty site »

Eligibility for Ideas Grants 2020 due to COVID-19

NHMRC recognises that COVID-19 is an exceptional circumstance that requires a flexible approach to eligibility in the 2020 round. We have updated the Ideas Grants 2020 Guidelines to include guidance for NHMRC grant holders whose existing grant portfolio would make them ineligible to apply for an Ideas Grant in the 2020 application round, if they extended a current grant. Read more in BDI newsletter »

Australian Financial Review (AFR) Higher Education Awards - ideas due 21 May

MRO are calling for ideas to be put forward by Thursday 21 May 2020, for consideration as Monash University's nomination to the Australian Financial Review (AFR) Higher Education Awards. Read more in BDI newsletter »

Changes to Peer Review Processes for the Ideas Grant scheme in 2020

On 19 March and 27 March 2020, the CEO provided updates on NHMRC’s plans for the 2020 grant round in light of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Australian health and medical research community. Follow @NHMRC_Sapphire on Twitter for updates. Read more in SCS enews »

FMNHS Platforms Price List for Grant Applications

Many of you will be busy writing your NHMRC Ideas Grant application(s). To assist with the preparation of your project budgets, the Faculty Research Office has compiled a document listing the prices for products and services provided by FMNHS Technology Research Platforms. See also AMREP flow pricing.

Sapphire Update

NHMRC apologises for the delays experienced by Sapphire users during the past few days. Investigation identified a number of contributing factors, but particularly memory capacity of a server that supports Sapphire. Read more »

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