1 Jun 2020

Congratulations to our 3MT heat participants!

Alex Dimitropoulos not selling Glyoxalase anti-ageing snake oil!
The Central Clinical School 3MT heat went very well, with a good Zoom turnout to support the CCS 3 Minute Thesis event.

A very big congratulations to our 2020 CCS 3MT winners!

First place: Ms Alexandra Dimitropoulos (Diabetes). Alex will go on to the Faculty heat, the winner of which will be announced 14 July. Heats will take place from 3-10 July, and links to view videos and vote to be advised.
Second place: Mr Rishabh Sharma (Neuroscience)
People's choice award: Ms Nurul Zainal Abidin (ACBD)

Many thanks to CCS Graduate Research Coordinators, Profs Nicola Harris and Helmut Butzkueven, judges Profs Steve Jane, Helmut Butzkueven and Ms Julia Veitch (CCS Communications Manager), and our Graduate Research Senior Student Services Officer, Ms Sharmila Ramesh, who coordinated the event.

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