29 Jun 2020

In the media: the unfortunate synergy of diabetes and COVID

Coronavirus drawing. Image: USA Today
Professor Paul Zimmet, Professor of Diabetes, Monash University, Australia, and a former advisor at WHO, says between 30-40 per cent of deaths from studies in intensive care units from different countries are people with diabetes. See full article, 'Diabetes is dynamite for person[s] with Covid' published 1 July 2020.

See also a fact check article quoting Paul Zimmet on evidence for COVID-19 acting as a trigger for new onset diabetes: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/06/27/fact-check-doctors-study-whether-covid-19-triggers-diabetes/3267863001/

The website for the newly established COVIDIAB Registry is http://covidiab.e-dendrite.com/

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