8 Jun 2020

Public Lecture: COVID and Women's Mental Health

Professor Jayashri Kulkarni
Photo: "Women" by
Sam Burke & Rebecca Umlauf
Women's mental health needs looking after more than ever in the time of COVID, as Professor Jayashri Kulkarni will explain in a forthcoming public lecture, on Wednesday 24 June. Jayashri is Director of Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc) and Head of the Monash Department of Psychiatry in Central Clinical School. Register now or learn more below.
  • Lecture Title: COVID and Women's Mental Health
  • Date: Wed 24 June at 12.30pm
  • Length of session:60 minutes including questions
  • Cost: Free
  • Link to register and receive Zoom link for event
Across every sphere, from mental health to the economy, security to social protection, the impacts of COVID-19 are exacerbated for women and girls simply by virtue of their sex. In this lecture, Professor Jayashri Kulkarni AM – a world leader in women’s mental health - will speak on the impacts of COVID for women. She will speak on current and anticipated mental health issues plus solutions for women across the age groups, pregnancy during COVID, employment concerns and a brief look at women’s leadership during the pandemic.

In the words of the UN Secretary-General: “The year 2020, marking the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action, was intended to be ground-breaking for gender equality. Instead, with the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, even the limited gains made in the past decades are at risk of being rolled back. The pandemic is deepening pre-existing inequalities, exposing vulnerabilities for women in social, political and economic systems which are in turn amplifying the impacts of the pandemic”.

All are welcome to join us for this unique webinar on Wednesday 24 June, 12.30pm

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