14 Aug 2020

11 Aug Alfred Research Alliance student info night went well!

The presenters and team supporting the 11 Aug Alfred Research Alliance student information night
The Alfred Research Alliance Monash Translational Medicine and Public Health schools together with the Baker and Burnet Institutes held our annual information night on 11 August. It was the first that we have done using Zoom, and it went well, thanks to the efforts of the organising team and all the presenters!

Lakshanie Wickramasinghe (top left corner in the screensave above) was a star moderator in addition to being a star behind-the-scenes organiser together with Sharmila Ramesh, but everyone was great. We'll be sharing the videos of the presentations soon. We had an excellent turnout, with nearly 400 students Zooming in to the general presentations and approximately 300 in total visiting the individual Zoom sessions of the department Q&A sessions.

Links for reference to student information and projects:
For further information, please contact the Student Services on:

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