31 Aug 2020

Welcome to CCS communications interns Riya Kiran and Ramesh Vidyasagar!

L-R: Riya Kiran and Ramesh Vidyasagar, CCS comms interns
Welcome to our two new communications interns, Riya Kiran and Ramesh Vidyasagar! They will be working with Julia Veitch on respectively stories and videos of our Central Clinical researchers' work.

Second-year Monash student Riya Kiran has a strong passion for journalism and its substantive role in disseminating crucial information to the general public. Her curiosity for news writing developed in Year 10 when she completed her work experience at the Herald Sun, and since then has been actively pursuing writing opportunities to further this interest.
Additionally, Riya’s background in studying various science subjects, prompted her to delve into Science and Health journalism, hence her interest in our media and communications activities.

Ramesh Vidyasagar is a second-year University of Melbourne Bachelor of Science student majoring in Psychology. He is interning with CCS producing short videos. He has been making videos from a young age and is interested in producing informational videos professionally. See some of his recent videos of CCS researchers:

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