29 Sept 2020

Gemma Sharp is a Eureka finalist for promoting understanding of science

Dr Gemma Sharp explains her science communication
strategies. See video. Follow @gemmasharp11
Dr Gemma Sharp from the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, has been nominated as a finalist in the 2020 prestigious Australian Museum Eureka Prizes in recognition of her effective science communication.

Dr Gemma Sharp is an NHMRC Early Career Senior Research Fellow in the Central Clinical School's Department of Psychiatry, and has been selected as a national finalist in the prestigious Celestino Eureka Prize for Promoting Understanding of Science. The award honours scientists who share their expertise with a broad audience - informing, enthusing and engaging the public.

Known for her ability to tackle stigmatised and misunderstood issues, particularly in mental health, Dr Gemma Sharp is a skilled science communicator who extends her influence across multiple media platforms. Her engaging and relatable approach has led to greater mental health awareness and treatment seeking in the community.

Dr Sharp is particularly well known for taking on difficult subjects including body dysmorphia and eating disorders. In late 2020, she is launching a world-first positive body image "chatbot" on social media in collaboration with the Butterfly Foundation. 

Dr Sharp is one of eight Monash University scientists who have been shortlisted in this year’s Australian Museum Eureka Prizes

The winners will be announced on Tuesday 24 November 2020 at Sydney Town Hall. For more information on the Eureka Prizes, visit the Australian Museum website.

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