14 Sept 2020

Long-term health consequences of COVID-19 becoming clearer: ABC 7:30 Report

Dr Robb Wesselingh in the lab. 7:30 report
Medical researchers are investigating the impact of COVID-19 on vital organs such as the lungs, heart, kidneys and the brain. Even if only a small percentage of patients suffer long-term effects, millions of people around the world will be left with potentially debilitating conditions.

Dr Robb Wesselingh explains some of the potential complications: "We are still learning a lot about this virus but we are particularly worried that the virus, when it does affect the brain, whether it is potentially causing permanent neuron damage, nerve damage, and we know from other neurological diseases that nerve damage doesn't repair very well at all."

See full report at: www.abc.net.au/7.30/long-term-health-consequences-of-covid-19-becoming/12675810

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