20 Oct 2020

Early Career Research Award for Dr Gemma Sharp

Congratulations to Dr Gemma Sharp, who has been awarded the Australian Psychological Society's (APS) Early Career Researcher award for 2020! See all APS winners here.

Dr Sharp is a Senior Research Fellow at the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc), Monash University. She leads the Body Image Research Group at MAPrc and holds a prestigious NHMRC Early Career Fellowship. She is known for her pioneering research in body image, particularly genital self-image. She is also involved in the design of novel body image interventions using digital technologies, which is supported by a number of competitive grants (e.g., AMP Tomorrow Maker Grant).

Gemma has won an impressive 36 prizes including seven Editor’s Choice Awards from Aesthetic Surgery Journal. She is renowned for her research communication skills and has been named a finalist for the Celestino Eureka Prize for Promoting Understanding of Science (2020, result TBA, see video), Victorian Young Tall Poppy (2018), and an ABC Top 5 Under 40 Scientist (2017). She is also a clinical psychologist and specialises in the treatment of body image disorders.

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