16 Nov 2020

Returning to life after brain trauma and stroke

Prof Natasha Lannin and Dr Laura Jolliffe explain
the research and clinical collaborations to improve
recovery after neurological damage. See video

Professor Natasha Lannin and Dr Laura Jolliffe of the Brain Recovery and Rehabilitation Group in Monash University's Department of Neuroscience explain how their research and practice support the rehabilitation of people with neurological damage from stroke or brain injuries to regain function and independence. 

Prof Lannin is a Chief Investigator on three new trials which have received funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Partnerships Projects program this year (project list link).

These trials will be investigating how to implement research evidence not only into hospitals and neuro-rehabilitation teams, but also home-based rehab teams (see Monash project link) and to make AFL football safer for women by implementing an injury prevention program.

If you are interested in research, study or collaboration with the group, see more:

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