11 Dec 2020

A+ EMCR news & survey

A+ EMCR Best Paper CCS winners were, L-R: A/Prof Jason Ong (MSHC), Dr Tiffany  
Phillips (MSHC), Dr Natalie Thomas (MAPrc) and Dr Maithili Sashindranath (ACBD)

i. News

The Alfred Research Alliance Early and Mid Career Research (A+ EMCR) have published their final newsletter for the year, featuring:

  • Chair's Report
  • Recruitment for New A+ EMCR Committee Members
  • 2020 Best Paper Awards Winners
  • EMCR Mini-Symposium Feedback
  • Let's Collaborate Session Feedback
  • Mentorship Updates

ii. Survey

A+ EMCR are also conducting a survey (link here and also on the CCS intranet EMCR page), to identify what our EMCR membership looks like, and what events and programs the school can offer to most effectively build your research and career development.

We would greatly appreciate taking only 2-3 minutes of your time to complete the CCS EMCR Survey using the link below. This will help us understand the composition of EMCRs across the school and gauge your thoughts about what EMCR programs we should focus on in 2021.

Many thanks from your EMCR Representatives!

Miles Andrews (miles.andrews@monash.edu) and Meaghan Clough (meaghan.clough@monash.edu)

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