11 Dec 2020

COVID-19: What could happen next? 9 Dec Forum video

COVID-19: What could happen next? forum video
Monash University's Central Clinical School and community organisation Maccabi Life partnered to present a public forum on 9 Dec 2020, "COVID-19: What could happen next?", MC'd by Professor Terry O'Brien. 

The forum featured Professor Paul Zimmet AO, talking about the new CoviDIAB registry which is tracking patients with first-time onset diabetes; and Drs Elspeth Hutton and Robb Wesselingh talking about the new NeuroCOVID registry being set up to track patients with neurological complications.  Professor Christina Mitchell AO, Dean of Monash's Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, gave an introduction. See links to the time of their presentations below, and also the audience questions.

3:37 Professor Christina Mitchell AO
15:05 Professor Paul Zimmet AO
28:44 Dr Elspeth Hutton


42:08 What might be the chance of developing Parkinson's from a mild case of COVID-19?
44:04 What might be the autoimmune processes causing damage?
47:37  Evidence for the virus directly crossing the blood-brain barrier & implications for vaccines?
50:30 How long does it take and what sort of numbers or registrations does it take for the registry to be effective?
52:54 Increased risk of motor neurone disease?
55:50 Do people who have previously developed long-lasting post-viral fatigue/CFS have a higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 disease and/or long-term sequelae?
57:03 If someone develops type 1 diabetes or has severe type 2 with Covid, will it go away once the virus has run its course? Is it just a transient phenomenon?
59:07 What percentage of people have developed first time diabetes with COVID?
1:00:37  What preliminary findings for neurological complications for asymptomatic COVID patients?
1:02:13 How are these registries supported and how long will they run for if we are tracking information for a long time?


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