5 Feb 2021

Bad Body Image Day? The KIT chatbot can help

KIT the chatbot
KIT, the world's first positive body image chatbot, is helping thousands of people since its launch mid November 2020. Psychology Today has published an essay by Dr Charlotte Markey on KIT, "Bad body image day? It's possible that a chatbot could make a difference".

Dr Gemma Sharp said that KIT "has had a wonderful first two months of life since launching on the Butterfly Foundation's website".

What has KIT been up to? 

  • Chatted with over 2,700 people in Australia of a wide range of genders and backgrounds aged 13 through to 71 years! These figures are better than we ever dreamt of and are particularly impressive for an online mental health intervention. 
  • Body image coping strategies have been the most popular conversation topic by far. We are thrilled that people are engaging with these coping skills, particularly while some parts of Australia are still experiencing COVID-19 lockdowns. We are researching the effectiveness of these skills with users and will bring you those findings when available. 
  • Overall positive feedback from users - this comment from a 13 year old girl sums it up perfectly: "It was a great tool to use when you are really beginning to question your self worth so thank you"

What's next for KIT? 

Owing to the popularity of the coping strategies, we have devised even more coping skills for KIT to teach to help people and their loved ones through the challenges of 2021. The release of these new skills will be launched alongside a brand new look for KIT too ...watch this space!

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