3 Feb 2021

Congratulations to our recent PhD graduates, Jaclyn Lange and Katherine Cummins

Dr Katherine Cummins
Ms Jaclyn Lange

Congratulations to Ms Jaclyn Lange and Dr Katherine Cummins on the conferral of their PhD degrees on 28 January 2021! Both graduates did their research projects in the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases (ACBD).

Jaclyn Lange's thesis title is "Copper and Gallium PET Imaging Agents for Applications in HIV and Cancer". She was supervised by Associate Professor Christoph Hagemeyer, Dr Karen Alt, both in ACBD, and Professor Paul Donnelly, University of Melbourne.

Katherine Cummins' thesis title is "Modification and targeting of myeloid cell surface antigens (CD33 and CD123) to enhance the therapeutic index of CAR T-cells for acute myeloid leukaemia". She was supervised by Professor Harshal Nandurkar, Professor Andrew Spencer, both in ACBD, and Dr Saar Gill, University of Pennsylvania.

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