25 Feb 2021

Unraveling the complex link between COVID and diabetes

Why might COVID-19 cause new-onset diabetes? @SciAm story
Image: Willie B. Thomas Getty Images
A Scientific American article by Claudia Wallis published 24 Feb 2021 explores five possible reasons why infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus appears to trigger diabetes. Amongst others, she interviewed the founders of the CoviDIAB registry to track these patients with new-onset diabetes, Professor Paul Zimmet, Department of Diabetes at Monash University and Professor Francesco Rubino, King's College London.

The five scenarios explored in this article are:

  • The virus may directly attack insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas
  • The virus may indirectly attack insulin production
  • Acute illness and inflammation are causing symptoms of diabetes
  • Treating COVID with steroids raises blood sugar
  • New-onset diabetes might not actually be all that new

Reference: www.scientificamerican.com/article/unraveling-the-complex-link-between-covid-and-diabetes/

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