15 Mar 2021

Congratulations to our five recently completed graduate research students!

L-R: Britt Christensen, Iain Abbott, Muthukumar Mohan and Rowan Miller
Congratulations to Mr Muthukumar Mohan, Dr Rowan Miller, Dr Britt Christensen and Dr Iain  Abbott on the recent conferral of their PhD degrees, and to Ms Harmeet Bhullar on her Master of Surgery completion! Muthu and Rowan were awarded their degrees on 24 February, Harmeet received hers on 9 March and Britt and Iain received theirs on 10 March.

 Dr Britt Christensen's thesis title is "Improving clinical, endoscopic and histological outcomes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease". Britt was supervised by Professor Peter Gibson (Department of Gastroenterology) and Dr David Rubin (University of Chicago).

Dr Iain Abbott's thesis is titled, "Antimicrobial resistant urinary tract infections: Pharmacodynamic profiling of oral fosfomycin". Department of Infectious Diseases. He was supervised by Professor Anton Peleg ( (Department of Infectious Diseases) and Dr Jason Roberts (University of Queensland). Iain is an Infectious Diseases physician and clinical microbiologist, currently with the Central Clinical School's Department of Infectious Diseases as a research fellow.

Mr Muthukumar Mohan's thesis title is "The protective role of Lipoxins against diabetes-associated atherosclerosis". He was supervised by Professor Mark Cooper and Dr Phillip Kantharidis, both in the Department of Diabetes. Muthu has also been very involved in organising CCS graduate student symposia.

Dr Rowan Miller's thesis title is, "Establishing Prostate MRI as a Standard of Care in Early Prostate Cancer Detection". He was supervised by Associate Professor Jeremy Grummet (Department of Surgery, Central Clinical School) and Adjunct Clinical Professor Mark Frydenberg, (Department of Surgery, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health).

Ms Harmeet Bhullar's MPhil thesis title is "The investigation of fat necrosis in abdominally based flaps utilised for breast reconstruction". She was supervised by Adjunct Clinical Professor David Hunter-Smith and Professor Warren Rozen in the Academic Unit, Department of Medicine at Peninsula Clinical School.

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