30 Mar 2021

Congratulations to Vilija Jokubaitis on being in JAMA Neurology's 2020 top 3 for altmetrics

Dr Vilija Jokubaitis's paper in her Monash University
researcher profile displaying the altmetric 'donut' which
gives granular detail about readers' demographics
Congratulations to Dr Vilija Jokubaitis (senior author) and Dr Ai-Lan Nguyen (first author) on their paper on pregnancy and onset of MS for being listed in the top 3 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Neurology publications for 2020, based on Altmetric scores!

So what does 'altmetric' mean?  The Altmetric website says, "Altmetrics are metrics and qualitative data that are complementary to traditional, citation-based metrics. They can include (but are not limited to) peer reviews on Faculty of 1000, citations on Wikipedia and in public policy documents, discussions on research blogs, mainstream media coverage, bookmarks on reference managers like Mendeley, and mentions on social networks such as Twitter."

Altmetrics have become important because they provide a measure of broad community engagement, which has become more significant for researchers. 

How can you boost your own altmetrics without 'gaming' (since the altmetrics providers, unsurprisingly, are onto this)?The best way is to have public dialogue via social media accounts, and whenever relevant in referring to your own research (or anyone else's for that matter) in social media channels include the DOI of the article in question.

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