22 Mar 2021

Grants available for use of ARA-MBI facility

The ARA-MBI facility team is running a small user grant scheme for use of the ARA-MBI facility. They will be giving out up to 12 grants - applications close 23 April.

Dr Robert Brkljača writes:

I am pleased to announce the release of the 2021 MBI / ARA-MBI User Access Scheme, which is designed to promote, facilitate and support high quality research involving the use of the imaging services and expertise. The scheme is open to all Monash University and Baker researchers, and aims to:

1. Increase the competitiveness of research that will be submitted for external funding by providing pilot data etc.
2. Support access to Monash Biomedical Imaging services for researchers who lack the required funds to undertake key imaging experiments.
3. Support the career development of early to mid-career researchers by providing access to expertise and imaging capabilities.
4. Leverage the outcomes from an externally awarded grant by supporting research that supplements (adds value) to the already funded project.

External researchers (i.e. non-Monash/Baker) may apply as part of a collaborative team, but for the purposes of this scheme cannot be named as CI.

Applications close Friday 23 April 2021. For program guidelines and instructions on how to apply, please visit the Monash Biomedical Imaging website.

Dr Robert Brkljača
ARA-MBI Facility Manager and Imaging Support Scientist
6th Floor, The Alfred Centre
99 Commercial Road
Melbourne VIC 3004
E: robert.brkljaca@monash.edu
T: +61 3 9903 0971
W: www.monash.edu/researchinfrastructure/mbi

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