28 Apr 2021

PADDI Trial results webinar: 6 May, 7-8 am

The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Clinical Trials Network (ANZCA CTN) and Monash University are delighted to invite you to a virtual public webinar announcing the results of the Perioperative Administration of Dexamethasone and Infection (PADDI) trial. The webinar will be held on Thursday 6 May, 2021 at 7-8am AEST. (Note, flyer with international times here). More information and register here.

The trial completed recruitment of 8,880 patients across 55 hospital sites in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and South Africa in July 2019. The manuscript detailing the trial results will be published online by a leading international medical journal.

The webinar panellists, Professor Tomás Corcoran, Professor Paul Myles, Professor Allen Cheng and Ms Karen Goulding, will discuss the rationale of the PADDI trial, the epidemiology and significance of surgical site infections, the concept of non-inferiority trials and the outstanding contribution of the ANZCA CTN. Professor Corcoran, the PADDI chief principal investigator, will announce the results of the PADDI trial and its implications for patient safety and clinical practice. You will also have the opportunity to ask him and the panellists questions directly by taking part in the live Q&A session.

We look forward to sharing the results with you very soon!

See more and register: www.anzca.edu.au/events-courses/events/major-events/ctn-workshops/paddi-results-webinar 

About the PADDI trial: www.paddi.org.au/

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