19 May 2021

Congratulations to Céline Pattaroni on her L.E.W. Carty grant success!

Ms Céline Pattaroni has been awarded a Carty
Signature grant of $300,000 for asthma research.
Congratulations to Ms Céline Pattaroni, who was awarded the 2021 Carty Signature Grant for her research on mechanisms of asthma in early childhood. Céline has been awarded $300,000 over a period of three years to undertake the research. She is the third Carty Signature Grant recipient.

With up to 1 in 9 Australians affected and an incidence on the rise, there is a clear need to understand the mechanisms driving asthma. 

The complex pathophysiology of asthma and the presence of numerous disease subtypes have hindered the development of treatments over the last 50 years resulting in the current limited range of therapeutic options (e.g. short-acting beta-agonists and inhaled corticosteroids) with no effective preventive strategies.  

Céline’s research project aims to dig deep into the early origins of this disease using cutting-edge sequencing technologies in order to identify targets that could be the focus of new therapies and prevention strategies.

Céline is a mid-career researcher with an MSc in Medical Biology and a second MSc in Bioinformatics. With 8 years of research experience, and high impact publications focused on asthma and the microbiome, Céline has established herself as one of the leading up-and-coming scientists in the field. She is part of Professor Ben Marsland's group in the Department of Immunology and Pathology at Central Clinical School.

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