24 May 2021

World MS Day - Promoting connections

Did you know that Sunday 30 May is World MS Day

World MS Day is a day that brings together the global MS community to share stories, raise awareness and campaign with everyone affected by multiple sclerosis (MS). You can follow or share activities and updates on global activities, including with our researchers (see detail below), using the hashtag #msconnections.

MS Researchers with the Department of Neuroscience, Central Clinical School and clinical staff in the Multiple Sclerosis Neuro Immunology Clinic at Alfred Health are participating in this global day of action. They would like to invite you to visit the MS Australia website, the national peak advocacy and research organisation to learn more about World MS Day and how you can participate. 

There is also a great video animation that MS Australia have produced with the MS community to highlight and promote the importance of people living with MS to reach out and connect with family and friends - https://youtu.be/6LzCBphXzFQ

See our recent stories:

More resources: 

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