14 Jun 2021

Our Gender Equity Diversity and Inclusion committee has a new web page!

2020 CCS GEDI committee (pre-COVID)
The Central Clinical School's (CCS) Gender Equity Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) committee is a grassroots research and advisory committee to advocate for gender equity and diversity within the CCS, and to provide guidance and recommendations to the Head of School and the CCS Executive Committee. See their new website with details of membership and activities. We would love to hear from you!

The CCS GEDI committee was formed in 2018 as an initiative of the CCS executive by Professor Stephen Jane, Foundation Dean of the Sub-Faculty of Translational Medicine and Public Health, to provide a grass-roots committee, of academic and professional staff, to advocate for gender equity and diversity within CCS. In this time the committee focussed on understanding and addressing how to create an inclusive culture for all staff and students.

Based on a 2020 school-wide survey, designed with the Equity in Medical Research Alliance (EMRA) addressing the effects of COVID with a gender lens applied, current aims are to create opportunities to those that have been impacted by inequities and identify leadership opportunities to improve lack of diversity in senior academic positions.

The current committee membership was established in 2021 and aims to promote diversity, equity and inclusion across numerous intersecting themes:

  • Gender equity and respectfulness amongst staff and students
  • Indigenous staff and students
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • Diverse genders, sexes and sexualities
  • Disabilities and ongoing health conditions
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Inclusion regardless of socio-economic background

The CCS GEDI committee has designed and is implementing School-wide initiatives, including school-wide survey mapping the impacts of COVID in 2019 and the affirmative action checklist, that will drive culture change to promote diversity, equality and inclusion for research, education and professional staff.

The CCS GEDI committee members are also advocates for a diverse workplace culture that encourages participation and leadership. The committee has formed external collaborations including the Equity in Medical Research Alliance, as well as with diversity and inclusion committees in Monash University and across the Alfred Health Precinct. Members of the committee are also actively engaging with the School through CCS blog articles to promote discussions and apply change to workplace culture and equality at the CCS.

Our committee members are here as staff supports, with various committee members aligned with the Ally network as well as trained mental health first aiders, and have many resources linked to the committee with which to provide staff advice and support.

To learn more about upcoming events, initiatives or the goals of the committee, visit our new website.

All of our committee members and their details are listed, so feel free to contact the committee or individual committee members if you would like to know more or if you need help in identifying any GEDI resources at Monash University. 


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