21 Jun 2021

Judges wanted for CCS's 14th graduate research symposium

The 2021 Central Clinical School Graduate Research (GR) Student Symposium is being held at 11am-5pm on Monday, 4 October 2021 at the Alfred Centre (Level 5 Lecture Theatre and Seminar Rooms). It is CCS's 14th annual GR symposium in a series which has grown in variety, interest and involvement, now becoming a high point in the school's calendar of events. The GR student committee wants to hear from CCS researchers for judging the entries - see more below.
The CCS Graduate Research Student Committee is looking for staff to not only attend but to participate as judges on the day. Judges will assess the presentations or posters of the students. This year, we are offering:

  • Oral Presentation: 8 minutes + 2 minutes of questions
  • Science Byte Presentation: 3 minutes (1-2 slides)
  • Poster Display  

Moreover, there will be some fun social activities for which we would also love to ask for your participation, including ‘Explain My Graph’ (see one of our previous winners here) and ‘The Great Debate’.

Please fill out this form if you can assess and/or participate in the symposium. If you can’t make it in person on the day, we still welcome your participation over zoom, so please register if you have a few hours free.

If there are postdocs or ECRs in your group that may be interested in assessing or participating in the symposium, please feel free to pass on the EOI.

Please see the attached poster for more details on the symposium. If you have any further questions, you can contact CGRSC President (Nicola Sergienko) or Vice President (Pia Campagna) at cgrs-committee@monash.edu.  

Thank you and stay safe!
Jacques Ma and Shahid Javaid - 2021 CCS GR Student Symposium Coordinators

Central Clinical School Graduate Research Student Committee (CGRSC)
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President: Nicola Sergienko, Baker Institute, nicola.sergienko@monash.edu)
Vice President: Pia Campagna, Department of Neuroscience, (maria.campagna@monash.edu)

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