23 Jul 2021

Career pathways - what are my post-PhD options? 5 August event for Neuroscience PhDs & ECRs

Where to next after your PhD? 

Neuroscience@Monash are offering a workshop style on 5 August with a range of speakers in diverse sectors external to Monash Uni (Hybrid virtual by Zoom) for late-stage PhD students and Early & Mid Career Researchers (EMCR) within the Monash Neuroscience Initiative Network (MNIN). Register here

This event aims to inform attendees about opportunities available within and beyond academia (i.e. understanding what else is out there and what else can you do) and to increase awareness of transferable skills.

Invited speakers include Brittany Howard, Heidi Nicholl, Wee-Ming Boon, Karen McConalogue, Anthony Filippis and Bernd Merkel, all former researchers who have successfully transitioned into non-research careers. They will focus their discussion on their career progression and pathway which led to their success. Speakers will talk for 15 - 20 mins followed by 5 - 10 minutes for questions. After lunch there will be a panel discussion followed by themed group discussions.

EMCRs will be invited to join a group discussion (see themes below) to further explore an area of interest.
  • Industry - health and pharmaceutical
  • Public health and Government
  • Patency / Law
  • Community Advocacy / outreach
  • Research management and strategy

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