6 Oct 2021

Amy Searle wins Faculty Indigenous Award for Doctoral Thesis Excellence

Dr Amy Searle has been awarded the Faculty's Indigenous
Award for Doctoral Thesis Excellence. See her video

Congratulations to Dr Amy Searle, who completed her PhD last year, on being awarded the Faculty Indigenous Award for Doctoral Thesis Excellence 2020! See her video.

Amy's PhD thesis is titled, "Innovative precision medicine approaches for thrombo-inflammatory driven cardiovascular diseases". She was supervised by A/Prof Xiaowei Wang and Prof Karlheinz Peter (Baker Institute). Her degree was conferred on 19 August 2020.

Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death worldwide, mainly driven by higher prevalence of risk factors such as diabetes and obesity. Amy's thesis explores novel strategies to address the underlying thrombotic and inflammatory pathways that drive atherosclerosis, vulnerable plaque and aneurysm. The thesis encompasses a multitude of methods ranging from biomarker biology, biotechnology of antibody design and production, conjugation chemistry and various imaging modalities. It focuses on the development of a precision medicine approach via targeted theranostic tools providing visualisation of the disease and simultaneous direct and site-specific drug delivery and the ability to monitor therapeutic effects over time.  

See Amy discussing the subject in her 2018 3MT presentation video. Amy was also an inaugural recipient of the Australian Academy of Science Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scientist Travelling Research Award.

Congratulations to Amy upon this great achievement.

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