25 Aug 2021

Creativity for our youngest students - volunteers sought

Volunteers sought for creative sessions with children to help
CCS staff home-schooling during lockdown: Sign up here
From Professor Robyn Slattery

Dear colleagues and extended Monash community,

We are seeking your time for approximately one hour per month (take the survey here) to support our Monash parent community.  Home-schooling parents, juggling professional commitments are perhaps the most impacted by extended lockdown.  This disproportionately affects our early career colleagues and graduate students -- most profoundly those with children in prep - grade 2. 

We are seeking volunteers from the extended Monash community to give their time to hosting a creative one hour session via Zoom targeting children aged 5-7.  This could be reading a book, cooking, craft, extracting DNA from a banana, making a virtual treasure hunt, dance class etc. The idea is that the activity does not require a parent to supervise their child (ie they get a break). At this stage we have set up a Zoom link for 1-2pm on Wednesdays that will be shared with interested parents.  

If you (or your partner/friend*) are interested in volunteering your time and creativity for approximately one hour per month to support our Monash parent community and our youngest students please complete the "Creativity for our youngest students (COYS) - volunteer" survey. 

*For those who like to volunteer but can't access the survey form without a Monash email account, please email Robyn at robyn.slattery@monash.edu.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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