12 Aug 2021

Successful 2021 Alfred Research Alliance student information night

The 11 August information night showcased the Alfred Research
Alliance precinct's academic and research talent. See more
Professor Robyn Slattery is Central Clinical School's Director of Education. She writes:

Huge thanks to Sharmila Ramesh (CCS Graduate Research Student Services Coordinator) and Georgia Fuller Symons (CCS Honours Student Services Officer and Department of Neuroscience PhD candidate) for running such a fabulous event.  Also thank-you to all of the contributors.  The event ran very smoothly.  

There were 220 attendees who were very active, asking 130 questions via the chat function, and very actively engaging in the break-out groups.  Neuroscience, Immunology, Australian Centre for Blood Diseases and Burnet Institute breakout groups were well attended with between 5-25 participants in each.

Dr Raffi Gugasyan from the Burnet Institute said, "All in all, it was a very enjoyable evening, and you sense that 12 months on, people are becoming more engaging in the virtual world. We finished at 8:45pm! Congratulations once again Georgia and the team, and thank you for including the Burnet in the CCS family."

For all Honours specific inquiries in our Monash University schools based at the Alfred Research Alliance, please contact Student Services on:

See projects within particular schools and research institutes at Alfred Research Alliance: 

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